1. Acceptance of the Invitation conditions

In accepting this invitation to register and use aSAP, you acknowledge accessable’s privacy requirements regarding accessing and sharing information from the customer record. Specifically, this requires you to abide by the requirements of the Privacy Act 1993 and Health Information Privacy Code 1994; and also to ensure customers have information about our management of their health information and have consented for you to enter or access their record on our system.


  1. Customer Information – acknowledging your responsibility

As accessable does not have direct access to the customer, we rely on you to provide our Privacy statement to them. In registering for and accessing this system, you acknowledge this responsibility, and agree to ensure customers are aware of accessable’s privacy statement and their rights under the Health Information Privacy Code 1994. This is available on our website.

By entering the aSAP portal, you acknowledge you have informed consent from the customer(s) for the provision of and/or access to the information in the health record.


  1. Confidentiality of Information – Non-Disclosure Agreement

accessable has provided a significant amount of confidential information within aSAP including but not limited to supplier catalogues of equipment with pricing. As a condition of accepting this invitation and use of aSAP, you the user agree not to disclose any confidential information to third parties who are not expressly permitted to view such information unless you are required to by NZ law. You agree to use the information only for the purposes for which it has been disclosed to you. You agree not to reproduce or store the confidential information except for single use relating to applications or service requests. You will also keep confidential accessable’s aSAP platform functionality and processes.

You agree not to share your user profile or login details aSAP with anyone else.


  1. General T&Cs

Any breach of the Privacy and Confidentiality agreement may result in the user having their access to aSAP withdrawn.

This agreement remains in force even after you have ceased having access to aSAP and you hereby agree to remain bound by the confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement terms and conditions.

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