Complaints Management - Kōrero mai

Accessable has a commitment to provide a fair, professional and quality service. If you feel the standard of our service has not met your expectations, or you are not happy with a decision made by Accessable, this information will guide you through the procedure to make a complaint.

Accessable believes complaints provide an opportunity to learn and improve the quality of our service. We will work to achieve a swift and appropriate resolution to any issues you may have. It is your legal right to make a complaint under the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights. The complaint will not affect the quality of services provided to you by Accessable now or in the future.


Making a complaint

You can choose someone to talk to us on your behalf and be your advocate. You can give them authority in a number of ways.

You or your advocate can make a complaint either verbally, by email, or in writing to Accessable, and discuss your concerns with a team member. If you are not comfortable discussing your complaint with a team member, or if a satisfactory resolution cannot be achieved, you can contact the team member’s manager. The name and contact details of the manager will be supplied to you or you can ask the team member to pass your details on to the manager, who will contact you.

The Manager will talk to you and/or your advocate about your complaint, investigate the issues and determine what actions will be taken to achieve a satisfactory resolution for you. If your complaint cannot be satisfactorily resolved with the manager, it will be referred to the Chief Executive of Accessable, with your consent. The Chief Executive will contact you to talk about your complaint and determine what actions will be taken to achieve a satisfactory resolution for you.


How we manage your complaint:

  1. We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within five working days
  2. We will talk with you and/or your advocate to ensure we fully understand the issues you have so we can resolve your complaint to your satisfaction. All complaints are evaluated in terms of nature, level and gravity to ensure the appropriate action is undertaken
  3. Your complaint is investigated and documented in full
  4. An appropriate action plan is developed. The plan may include any proposed training measures or process changes to prevent a future occurrence
  5. You and/or your advocate will be kept informed of the progress of your complaint
  6. A response to you and/or your advocate informing you of the outcome of the investigation and any actions to be taken will be provided within 10 working days of our acknowledgement to you. Sometimes issues take longer to investigate – we will let you know if that’s the case, and respond within 20 working days
  7. If you are not happy with the outcome, let  us know and our Chief Executive will review. We’ll get back to you and/or your advocate within seven working days
  8. If things are still unresolved, we will talk to you and provide information about alternative services to help with your complaint.

Get in touch with us

Email us at:

Call us on: 0508 001 002 or 09 620 1700

Write to us at: P O Box 27 804, Mt Roskill, Auckland 1440

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